The Text Evolution and Cultural Analysis of Red Snake's Story
( School of Literature in Nankai University Tianjin 300071)
Abstract: The article chose Cultural Narrative method to review text patterns from Tang to Qing Dynasty of Red Snake's Story and analyse the culture connotation in evolution of plots or themes, such as imperial examination and official career, gender conception and female position, story's culture function in each era. Literary elements and stylistic features also acted on spreading and evolution of the story. Additions or deletions of characters and plots were mostly happened in light literature text. Historical and scholastic documents showed main points but reserved its base form steadily.
Key Words: Red Snake's Story; spreading and evolution of the story; culture; stylistic]。下第士子多非卑劣之人,但退无营业、进无阶梯,“平日口里咬破顽石,一到功名场中,便打折骨头”[8](P21)。或有人以高人逸士自居,看似潇洒,内心深处却满怀着举业艰难又不忍自短其气的辛酸无奈。而有幸入仕者亦非高枕无忧,专制集权、酷密文网令其动辄得咎,重则似高启、解缙、方孝儒一般遭抄杀灭族,轻则似茹太素、王阳明、杨慎一般受杖责笞辱。朝堂内外,文人在丧失生命保障与言论自由的同时,也被剥夺了人格尊严。